Loveliness and creativity is all around us and inside of us

Loveliness and creativity is all around us and inside of us

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 5, 2015

Nature -  God's fingerprints 

       Nature has always been my second home so I’m always amazed by smallest things like the way snow falls, wind blows, sun shines or leaves change. It leaves me breathless. Even when it’s cold or dreary, I try to find something that reflects God’s beauty or power. I try to experience it all as a gift which makes my days filled with awe. He's reminding me how great, powerful and amazing He is through the nature around me. Even when the trees are bare and snow is laying around, I can experience beauty in this stillness. The earth is resting; it will be reborn soon. It’s getting ready for the beauty of spring!
       God’s creativity overwhelms me and it’s impossible to avoid, especially in nature. Even in a society where we spend so much time in our cars and homes, nature can be fascinating as we bring in inside the buildings and watch movies about the amazing world around us. Nature brightens people's mood and is often so mystifying. I'm so glad that my Father's creativity has no limit. What a gift He gave to us to bring joy and wonder every day. I’m sure there are many different places where we can see beauty and I hope today you will find it along your way! Please share your finds!

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.

Franz Kafka

Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 4, 2015
     Changing your future might be uncomfortable and may take time to plan but it will always be worth doing what you love and creating beautiful moments that you can use to encourage others. Change is hard and for some people terrifying but once we realize that it's inevitable, we can make a plan and choose what we want to do. Life is constantly changing, especially just when we get comfortable. We can choose to embrace it and extract the positive things that come with it, to thank for small things along the way. Or we can choose to hide, run and fight the change until we have no more strength left.
I love to be challenged and stretched because that's when I grow most and learn and have stories to share. It's not always easy and fun but I learned so much.  I think it's easier for people in other countries because their life is so uncertain that they learn to be flexible and to go with the flow. They seem so grateful and positive when they have to little finances or support. I get so encouraged watching immigrants and people who talk about missionary trips. They are always amazed at how happy people are in other countries. I guess it's the perspective on life and challenges they face but most of all the hope they have for future. It's so infectious!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

     January 3, 2015
  Made to Create
     Creating gives us a taste of freedom and an outlet for emotions and feelings. It heals us in some ways without a doubt. It's also a much healthier outlet for pain than many other things.  It adds beauty and joy to the world while helping people cope with pain. For many years I didn't realize the power of creating and how much I enjoy it can can create. I'm amazed at how art therapy heals people's hearts, minds and souls.  It also unites all the humans because every culture is creative in some way. It's in our blood I guess and in our hearts. It helps us hope and dream, which are essential to a heart which is alive.
     I know children are better at creating than us, mostly because their parents and friends approve of the result - their creation. And probably because they put their whole heart in it. What if we worked with all our heart and let God - our father - approve what we did? I wonder if He would smile every time we create because He is a creator and we are made it his image.
      I just love that feeling when I am done making something, whether it's a craft, a meal, cleaning a room, writing a song or a card for a friend, building a Lego house, arranging a display or furniture, planning a trip. I feel like I make a difference and make the world a better place. I can rest and enjoy my work and watch others' reactions to it.  So please try creating something new year. Even if it doesn't come out perfect or you have to copy others(that's what I do). Keep trying new things until you find what you love and what brings you joy to create!

Art is our one true global language. It knows no nation, it favors no race, and it acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to reveal, heal, and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible.

Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2, 2015
You see what you want to see

      I believe that beauty is always within our reach, but we have to choose to see it like someone said, “You see what you want to see”. If we want it and choose to seek it, we will see it everywhere.  Sometimes it takes time to learn to see beauty and find ways to create beautiful moments but it's possible. We can once again see through the eyes of a child if we focus on giving thanks for smallest things. Every little joy is a gift, every moment can become a gift if we choose to see with a new perspective. 
     Sometimes I wonder if everyone is born with fascinated soul but some lose this ability slowly. I love to observe children’s eyes or watch them create. Perhaps I enjoy observing because I want to keep their view of life or to help them never lose this fascination. I want to create a safe place for them, to create beautiful moments just in case they can’t anywhere else. I hope you learn from these small creatures because they hold so much wisdom that we need to hold on to. And our life will be so much richer if we can see through the eyes of a child...

I would love to hear what fascinates you!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1, 2015 
 Everlasting Moments

     "Everlasting Moments" - it’s the title of a beautiful Swedish movie that stole my attention at the library and I have a feeling the story will affect many of my posts. I started thinking about this first day of a brand new 2015 and I realized that even if we don’t create tangible things, we all create moments and memories. Every moment recorded in the history of our hearts (or sometimes on paper) forever and we can never change them. It’s funny to think of regular mundane days as memorable but we can change the course of the day with small thing, small steps. It doesn't take much to change the course of the day and create in some way. Of course, it depends on your interest, time limit or ability but you can even draw a picture, pick a flower or dance to a song; and a beautiful memory is created. It even becomes more special if you share it with others or if it’s record it electronically or on paper.
    Life is made up of moments even if we have to wait for them sometimes. Just think of ways that your life changed dramatically: the moment you met someone, said something, gave birth to your child, received an acceptance letter or even made a decision to buy something. Sometimes we don’t have control over every memory so let’s do the best with what we can. May this year we live free with no regrets with beautiful memories!

“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life” 
Rachel Carson
January 1, 2015 Everlasting Moments "Everlasting Moments" - it’s the title of a beautiful Swedish movie that stole my attention at the library and I have a feeling the story will affect many of my posts. I started thinking about this first day of a brand new 2015 and I realized that even if we don’t create tangible things, we all create moments and memories. Every moment recorded in the history of our hearts (or sometimes on paper) forever and we can never change them. It’s funny to think of regular mundane days as memorable but we can change the course of the day with small thing, small steps. It doesn’t take much to change the course of the day and create in some way. Of course, it depends on your interest, time limit or ability but you can even draw a picture or dance to a song; and a beautiful memory is created. It even becomes more special if you share it with others or if it’s record it electronically or on paper. Life is made up of moments even if we have to wait for them sometimes. Just think of ways that your life changed dramatically: the moment you met someone, said something, gave birth to your child, received an acceptance letter or even made a decision to buy something. Sometimes we don’t have control over every memory so let’s do the best with what we can. May this year we live free with no regrets with beautiful memories!
“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life” Rachel Carson